DIY Fall/Winter Air Re-freshers

Cool weather is creeping in. I am in love with these crisp cool mornings. No more ninety-degree days do I see in the near future and this makes me smile. It’s time to dig out those snuggly hoodies and flannel shirts that I adore. I would say what I see and hear the most about…

Natures Cough and Cold Remedy

It was 52 degrees and crispy outside this morning. A nice welcome from the hot days we have been having.  I spy the red, orange, and yellow leaves on a nearby tree and am looking forward to the seasons morph into fall – my favorite season of the year. If you live in an area…

Minimalist Abundance

Going minimal seems to be catching on like wildfire – or wildflower. The tiny house revolution is replacing the old status quo of living in a large home. I see more and more people taking to the road and living in RV’s, and even tiny vans. People are learning that the more you have doesn’t…

Golden Milk? The Benefits of Turmeric Tea.

For thousands of years, turmeric has been revered as natural medicine. It is a natural antioxidant that has been shown to help prevent many types of cancers including brain, lung, breast, and colon among others. It has also been shown to help lower high blood pressure, help reduce cholesterol, help prevent hardening of the arteries,…

Green Smoothie Good x 2

If you are like me, you look at those green smoothies and your first impression is …uh…no. I was like that for a long time before I decided to take the plunge and delve into some green goodness. 1 orange, peeled 1 cup grapes 1 banana 1 pear, cored 1 cup soy, or almond milk…